Andrew Tobert Therapy

Therapy is a gift to yourself. It's an opportunity to liberate yourself from the patterns and thoughts that are no longer serving you. If you're here, you are probably thinking about seeing a therapist.

I'm an integrative relational therapist. Integrative means that I draw from different modes and traditions in our therapy. Relational means that I believe in the power of the relationship between me and you as a tool to help you.

The right therapist for you is the therapist that you can click with. Get in touch, and let's see.

What happens next

The nature of therapy means that many people don't really know what they're getting in for. Here's a summary of what happens from here.

  1. We'll then have a first session

I'll lead this session. I'll explain how I normally work and what normally happens in a session. You can ask any questions you like. Then I'll ask you questions about your life and background and give you the space to tell me what you want to share.

  1. We begin

After the first session, usually you will do most of the talking. And you can talk about whatever you like. For some people, that might be what's gone on in their week, for others it might be something they've been thinking about from their past. Others might want to talk about me and our relationship. It's all welcome. This is your therapy. There are no wrong answers.

  1. Send me an email

Send me an email, via the contact form, saying that you're looking for a therapist. You don't need to go into any details of your story, but you can if you want. I'll reply and we'll find a time to meet.

Get in touch

Please write a short message here. I'll reply within a few days.